Related Articles ( systems )
Congruences on Inverse Semigroups using Kernel Normal System
Congruences on inverse semigroups via the (kernel-trace) method introduced by Scheiblich in 1974. In this paper we discuss the congruences on inverse semigroups by using the technique of Kernel normal systems. Congrueneses on inverse semigroup were described in terms of congruences pairs (ker tr ). It ...
Regional Gradient Exact Enlarge Controllability of the Semilinear Heat Equation
The aim of this paper is to study the enlarge gradient-controllability problem of the heat equation. The purpose is to compute the control u which steers the state gradient of the system between two prescribed levels l1 and l2, only on a subregion ω of the system evolution domain Ω. The obtained ...
Integrable Systems, Spectral Curves and Representation Theory
The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the active area via the spectral linearization method for solving integrable systems. New examples of integrable systems, which have been discovered, are based on the so called Lax representation of the equations of motion. Through the Adler-Kostant-Symes ...
Systems Theory: An Approach to Mass-Damper-Spring and Mass-Nondamper-Spring Systems
The concept of systems theory has been applied in various disciplines to analyze systems in such disciplines. In this research, systems theory was employed to model, analyze and study the natures of some problems in mass-spring systems. Mass-spring systems are second order linear differential equations ...
Periodic solutions for nonlinear systems of multiple integro-integral differential equations of (V F) and (F V) type with isolated singular kernels
In this paper, the numerical-analytic method has been used to study the existence and approximation of the periodic solutions for the vector T-system of new nonlinear multiple integro-differential equations of mixed (Volterra-Fredholm) and (Fredholm-Volterra) types. Our main task provided sufficient ...
Contribution of wavelets to cybersecurity: Intrusion detection systems using neural networks
The gigantic growth of the exchanged digital data has raised important security challenges. In this ecosystem, connected objects, systems and networks are exposed to various cyber threats endangering sensitive data and compromising confidentiality, integrity and authentication. Modelling intrusion detection ...
New search direction of steepest descent method for solving large linear systems
The steepest descent (SD) method is well-known as the simplest method in optimization. In this paper, we propose a new SD search direction for solving system of linear equations Ax = b. We also prove that the proposed SD method with exact line search satisfies descent condition and possesses global ...
Approximate controllability of general impulsive stochastic systems with effects in infinite dimension
In this research, we investigated the feasibility of approximate control for nonlinear impulsive stochastic differential systems defined over infinite-dimensional domains. Our approach is based on the assumption that the associated linear systems are controllable. To this end, we established sufficient ...
Solving first-order systems of linear hyperbolic partial differential equations using fast Fourier transform
In this paper, we address the exact solution of the general first-order systems of linear hyperbolic partial differential equations using the Fourier transformation technique. This transformation converts the system from the physical domain into a system of first-order ordinary differential equations ...